In order to be eligible for membership, the candidate must be gainfully employed in at least one of the following categories:
- Business
- Media/Communications
- Real Estate
- Finance/Banking
- Arts
- Retail
- Education
- Government/Non-Profit/Religion
- Licensed Degreed Professional
- Legal
- Medical
- Science
- Architect
- Engineer
The candidate must also satisfy a majority of the following criteria:
1. Clearly represent executive (senior) management;
2. Be directly involved in policy-making and/or have a direct influence on policy;
3. Be a key decision-maker;
4. Must have received significant recognition in her field;
5. Must maintain a strong community influence.
In addition, the candidate must adhere to high ethical standards in professional and business practices.
The nomination period is now open until February 28, 2025.
How to Join
Membership is by invitation only. New members are nominated by current members in good standing. Nominations are accepted from November through February, and no more than ten candidates will be permitted to join in any calendar year. The Membership Committee is appointed by the Executive Committee. The Membership Committee is charged with the task of reviewing all nominations and presenting a slate of proposed new members to the Executive Committee. Once approved by the Executive Committee, the slate is presented to all EWA members, who will have 30 days to provide comments. After the 30-day time period, members will vote on the slate of candidates. The Membership Committee is comprised of the Vice President for Membership, EWA members representing the four membership categories (Business, Education, Government/Non-profit; Licensed Degreed Professional), and the at-large members. The President and Immediate Past President will serve as ex-officio members of the Membership Committee.